Customising the admin site

Changing site name

Use the setting CANDY_SITE_NAME to set a name for the admin site.

CANDY_SITE_NAME = 'My Admin Site'

Changing logos

Logos are just static images and, so, can be overrided just like you override static files and templates in Django.

First create a folder called django_candy inside your Project’s main static folder such that your project structure looks like this:


Now you can put the images in this django_candy directory by these names:

  • logo-icon.png - Logo icon.

  • apple-touch-icon.png - Image used for bookmarks on apple devices.

  • logo-nav.png - Logo displayed on top navbar.

  • logo-nav-mobile.png - Logo displayed on top navbar on mobile.

  • logo-splash.png - Logo displayed on initial loading and login screen.

  • error-splash.png - Image displayed on error pages.